Welcome to Inspire Loyalty Program, a loyalty program designed exclusively by us to all of our valued loyal customers. It is our way of thanking each one of you for making Inspire Travel Malaysia your top choice when you travel no matter where you will be travelling to, how long you are going to be there, and what kind of travel preferences you have travelling with Inspire Travel Malaysia is definitely a rewarding experience that none of you should missed out.
Within this program, you will earn Inspire Points depending on how much you spent with us. The more you travel, the more Inspire Points you will earn. Then, you can redeem your accumulated Inspire Points for your next great travel experience with us. Come on board and enjoy a better loyalty program with Inspire Travel Malaysia, simply use by travelling more with us. It is surely going to ” Rewarding Your Experience”.
How Does it Work?

Terms & Conditions

Redemption is applicable for customer’s utilization correlated to their Member ID only, or anyone else within their own knowledge.

For out little explorers below 18 years old, Inspire Junior Points they earned from the trip will credited into either one of the parents Member ID.

Inspire Points are non-transferable, non-refundable & non-convertible into cash.
Inspire Points Earning & Redemption
A.) Earning Inspire Points
Each RM1.00 a customer spent on their Inspire Travel trip and packages, the customer will earn Inspire Points.
(Accrual Rate: RM100 = 1 Inspire Points).
B.) Redemption Inspire Points
Each 50 Inspire Points a customer have can be redeemed for RM1.00 on future booking with Inspire Travel.
(Valuation Rate: 50 Inspire Points = RM1.00).
eg. Sandra Teoh Spent : RM15,300
Inspire Points Earning : 15,300 points
Inspire Points Value : 15,300 / 50 = RM306.00
Customer Identifier & Tracing
Each of the customers will be provided a sequencing Member ID that will segmented into country and number of customers.
eg. Nina Yusuf Member ID: A00001
Customers also can use Mobile Number to tracetheir account with Inspire Travel because all mobile numbers will be linked to each individual member.
eg. Afiq Ali Tel: 0106000801 Member ID: A00091